Part One: The Big Picture of Growth

Author:neo yang Time:2023/09/28 Read: 5676
The concept of growth seems very clear at first glance, but many people are confused about its understanding. Perhaps, it’s because the word growth has become so popular in recent years […]

The concept of growth seems very clear at first glance, but many people are confused about its understanding.

Perhaps it is because the word growth has become so popular in recent years. So, all kinds of jobs are related to growth.

Making products can mean making growth.

Doing operations can mean doing growth.

Even doing sales can also be about growth.

Therefore, if you want to understand the secret of growth, you first need to understand the big picture of growth.

What is the nature of growth?

What factors determine the ceiling for growth?

What is driving the growth of various indicators?

How to identify what is effective growth and what is ineffective "pseudo-growth"? The cost should be spent on effective growth.

How does growth differ between single-sided market products and multi-sided market products?


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