
ionic5 code snippet: Add the Tab to the TabBar at the bottom of the APP

Author:neo yang Time:2020/04/18 Read: 6849
Using ionic5 and angular8. There are two pages. Tabs page: There are only TabBars in the page. There are already tab1, tab […]

Using ionic5 and angular8.

There are two pages.

Tabs page: There are only TabBars in the page. There are three tabs tab1, tab2, and tab3.

Videos page: Created a new videos page and prepared to put it into the TabBar.

1. In tabs.page.html

Add tab.

<ion-tab-bar slot="bottom">
<ion-tab-button tab="videos">
<ion-icon name="videocam"></ion-icon>


2. in app-routing-modules-ts

Delete or comment out the route of the videos page.

const routes: Routes = [
/*{ path: 'videos', loadChildren: () => import('./videos/videos.module').then( m => m.VideosPageModule) },*/

3. tabs-routing-modules-ts

Add a sub-route to the videos page.

const routes: Routes = [
path: 'tabs',
component: TabsPage,
children: [
path: 'videos',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: () =>
import('../videos/videos.module').then(m => m.VideosPageModule)



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Theme: TheMoon V3.0. Author:neo yang