
User growth

Design principles for user growth strategies

1. Driving force is the core of the growth strategy. Driving user communication, or triggering user communication, requires a driving force. Without driving forces, a growth strategy no matter how designed […]

Classic case: WeChat reading team draws unlimited cards

In the WeChat Reading APP, there is a function that regularly appears in teams to draw unlimited cards. This is a typical construction between users and users, existing users and target users […]

The key to user growth is user dependence

The key to user growth is user dependence. Growth is actually not difficult, but if growth is not based on user dependence, then there will be a big problem. What is growth that is not based on user dependence […]

General growth model for content products

In the past two years, I have helped many people do growth models. Now to summarize, the following is a general growth model for content products. Applicable to most content products. Without text description, […]

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