

A new era of e-commerce?

Information flow, logistics, capital flow. After twenty years of development, the infrastructure of e-commerce has been improved. Whether it is logistics system, payment or traffic platform. It seems that e-commerce […]

After Taobao and JD.com, who is next? ——In the development process of China’s e-commerce, the impact of consumption concepts on e-commerce

The development of China's TOC e-commerce is closely related to the development of Chinese people's consumption concepts. From the pursuit of low prices to the pursuit of brands to the pursuit of quality, e-commerce has also followed this change and produced […]

NetEase’s Careful Selection—A classic case of e-commerce products creating user dependence

It is relatively difficult to create user dependence on e-commerce products, which results in low repurchase rates on many e-commerce platforms and users will not continue to purchase goods on this e-commerce platform. E-commerce products[…]

Several key issues to be solved in new retail/smart retail

E-commerce has changed the circulation model of goods. But until now, the vast majority of transactions still occur offline. This is why the new retail/smart retail concept has emerged […]

How to make a successful e-commerce product? ——Three key elements of e-commerce products

Recently, many friends are making e-commerce mini-program products, which come in all kinds and involve many product categories. Let me give you a little bit of my experience for reference. To make e-commerce products, first […]

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