

How to make a successful WEB3 product

If we say that WEB1.0 is the slave era, user data was plundered by websites. If we say that WEB2.0 is the feudal era, the relationship between users and platforms is…

Metaverse and Main Universe

Recently, the concept of the metaverse has been very popular. Say a few words. Since the emergence of the Internet, the Internet has had two major directions. One is a single information dimension. another[…]

How to understand smart city 2 - the device-cloud network chain of smart cities

As mentioned in the previous article, under the Internet thinking, the basic idea of building a smart city is no different from building a website or an APP. The difference is in the smart city box […]

Run the city on the blockchain - smart city on the blockchain

Run the city on the blockchain - Smart city on the blockchain Currently, almost all smart city projects and products run on cloud computing. But I think that in the future, […]

Blockchain is exploding

The Exploding Blockchain Some people say that blockchain is the biggest change and progress since the birth of the Internet. I think so. The Internet has always had centralized networks […]

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