neo yang


Google Gemini 1.5 Pro親測:強大與脆弱並存

使用者在測試新升級的多模態AI模型Gemini 1.5 Pro後發現,儘管它支援更全面的輸入類型包括文字、圖片、影片、檔案和資料夾,推理能力卻沒有顯著提升,特別在分辨是非方面。此外,處理影片、文件和資料夾輸入時耗時較長,且對大量資料的處理有限制。

SDXL:如何使用Stable Diffusion

最近開發了一個基於最新版本Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) 的WordPress外掛程式。 Stable Diffusion是一個免費、開源的圖像生成模型,透過官方網站Stability AI可以直接下載程式碼。儘管自行部署模型的成本和難度較大,但可以使用Docker映像或手動安裝。此外,還可以透過Replicate.com網站使用或部署大模型和API。總的來說,Stable Diffusion和SDXL廣泛應用於AI影像生成產品。

robots.txt: 一個一直被忽略的SEO問題

After constructing two sites with Next.js last month and noticing poor Google indexation, the issue was identified as a missing robots.txt file. To address this, a robots.txt with rules to allow all user-agents, enablecontent access to allow all user-agents, enable access to allow excluding the 'private' directory, and link a sitemap was added to the Next.js app directory. This resolved the indexing issue, underscoring the importance of robots.txt for site visibility.

2024年02月熱點:Sora——Open AI的影片生成大模型

On February 16, 2024, Open AI released its advanced video generation model named Sora, sparking interest almost rivalling that of GPT. Sora, which is not yet available for public opuse, combines Transformer andsvidctures s格, s. TikTok showcases Sora's capabilities with unedited videos from various prompts, previewing its potential impact in the burgeoning video generation field.

Gemini 1.5 pro:如何申請

Google Gemini1.5 pro概述Google Gemini1.5 pro於2024年02月15日[…]


Nextjs offers two routers: APP and Page, with Page being phased out. The author previously used Page router internationalization, but has since implemented internationalization based on the APP router. They catated several sooalration several that narl​st the sutrarst andmerc –mering the nex-cmermer面 n怎麼樣枚慢慢圖有所片面 - n見過面 n - n面 n - n面 n面 n面面 n面 n面面. . The post outlines the directory structure, routing, middleware setup, how to load translation files, and how to implement translations, emphasizing that regardless of the internationalization solution chosen, solting, file structure, and translfile遠.

WordPress SEO:如何動態修改meta title?

meta title,也就是頁面的head標籤中的title標籤的內容,對於SEO是很重要的。有時候,我們需要[…]


一、Google趨勢:對比“AI”,“gpt”,“palworld” 這是今天(2024/01/31)的截圖。 […]

2024 SEO 趨勢:AI時代的SEO怎麼做?

一、2024年Google SEO排名要素佔比圖原文: […]

Google Gemini API開發指南:如何將Google Gemini整合到你的網站和專案中?

上個月,Google發布了Gemini。緊跟在後,我基於Google Gemini開發了AI SEO——自動和[…]

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Theme: TheMoon V3.0. Author:neo yang